Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Never did I think the words "can you hear me" mean so much. Just a slight nod this morning and then back to "la-la" land, but Donny acknowledged me again this morning.

The doctors have not yet arrived today, so not much to report just yet. His night was restless and he is receiving pain medication as needed to keep him comfortable, about every 4 hours according to the nurses.

I will update as soon as there is news to report.

Keeping the faith that today will be better than yesterday and for sure a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY.

Love to all, Darla

PS - For those who know me and my "3's", yesterday was the 13th day! Anything with a "3" is lucky for us.


Joan said...

I just heard about Donny yesterday at the Child Advocates meeting. I'm not working right now so my home e-mail is From reading your blog, it sounds like Donny has the best docs-Reinoso and Ellis are both great! Please do not hesitate to call or e-mail if there is anything I can do for you!
My prayers are with you , Donny and your family...
You do still have my correct cell number. 713-816-2179

Gregg said...

It is really sounding good. I've messed him a lot and will be looking forward to getting to talk with him again.

And I want stop praying until I am able to do that.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear about the improvements! Friday should be a very good day then, the 13th!!

We love you!

Matthew & Stefanie