Friday, June 6, 2008

Today, Tonight and Tomorrow

GOOD NEWS - Donny does not have a blood clot! The update this morning was posted before he had an ultrasound to confirm whether or not it was a blood clot. We are very happy! Unfortunately he does have an infection in the groin area where a line was inserted. The Radiologist performed a procedure to remove the line and relocate to the chest area. He has not been strong to relocate the line until now, so this is still good news. The infection in the hand is about the same and he continues to be treated with heavy antibiotics and time will tell if there is damage to the muscles of the hand. Another piece of good news is that he will not lose entire use of the right hand, only a portion. His heart rate continues to be strong without medication and healing, still too premature to know what damage there is to the heart, but he is growing stronger everyday and his blood pressure also remains stable without medication.
He is still in a induced coma and has assistance from the ventilator (50%) and our biggest concerns are the infection and neurological. We have not been able to begin easing him off the ventilator and bring him out of sedation because he becomes too agitated and his blood pressure drops when the attempts are made. We are hoping with the reduction of fluid retention that he can breathe better and we can slowly begin to ween him out of the sedation and lessen the use of the ventilator.

In short, he is healing from the trauma of the heart attack to the level the doctors expected, it is just hurdles we have to overcome and attempt to get him out of the sedation and off the ventilator. Please keep him in your prayers, we feel like today was a good day. Although not a lot of progression today, he is still considered stable. He remains in critical condition in ICU but hopefully soon he will be telling the doctors he wants to go home! I pray that day comes.

From our friends in LA, to our family, extended family and amazing friends, please know Jason, Jennifer and I love you all and still find it impossible to find the right words to express our appreciation. Please continue to pray. Love to all, Darla

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