Saturday, June 7, 2008


Sorry for the late update, we are so excited that I can hardly type. Donny opened his eyes 3 times late this evening. There was family in the room and we all witnessed it, so it was not just my observation. Donny's younger brother, Mike, spoke to Donny first and thought "he might be seeing things" so Donny's two brothers and I went to his room and I leaned across the bed and called his name and his beautiful eyes looked back at me. An hour later with my Aunt and Uncle, he opened them again when I spoke to him. I am so elated that I am 100% absolutely positively confident he will pull through this.

We lowered his sedation slightly again this evening and so far he is comfortable and not agitated. His fluid retention has been reduced and we feel the excess fluid was a contributing factor to his breathing and agitation. He is down to 45% on the respirator and his blood pressure and heart rate continue to improve without medication. He continues to gradually improve from the effects of the heart attack, but he is still considered critical and we have a long, long way to go. His platelet count improved slightly and his jaundice is stable and we introduced new blood thinners. So far he has tolerated the new medication. Our hope is that with his heart growing stronger he is able to survive the complications as they arise.

Please, please, please continue to pray. Donny is still critical, but this small piece of hope has convinced me God is listening and our prayers will be answered.

Love to all, Darla


Anonymous said...

God is good! You'll are in are prayers around the clock. I am so happy to read this. Richard has been watching Donny's progress and is very happy to hear this. We are going to come up tomorrow. See you then and hang in there Darla you are doing a great job.

Love always'
Richard, Vickie, Brandon, & Bryan

Gregg said...

God still answers prayers and we will continue praying.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

that is amazing!! continuing to pray for you and your family.

Matt and Stefanie