Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early Evening Update

The nurses are "kicking me out of ICU now" during shift change from 6-8pm so I take that as good news that they won't let me stay in his room during this period.

The doctors are performing a CT scan of the brain and hand tonight. I am not certain I will get the results this evening, but they said "possibly". I will post late tonight if we get any results.

Not much change today, still waiting for Donny to wake up. He is responding to my voice but no other commands at this time. We surpassed 24 hours today, but it is still very, very early to expect him to recover from the sedation just yet. He has been off all meds introduced for his blood pressure and heart for one week and all his vital organs have recovered well and continue to improve.

More than likely Donny will go from the hospital to rehab, but time will tell what is needed and is best for him, but this is our preliminary goal. We will also insert the trach tomorrow or Thursday. Now that I better understand and know that it will make things easier for Donny, I am all for it. This too will be temporary.

Until later -

Love to all, Darla


Anonymous said...

Hey Darla - Jenny from Curves: I am not a work this week. I am in Galveston for the week for a little R&R. But, I am checking in on Donny's progress. I have a friend here tonite and when I get back to the condo - we will jump into prayer to the Great Physician for His miracle working power to continue for Donny. You know that we are all praying and our faith is at its highest for Donny's complete recovery.

We will declare that Donny will live and declare the wondrous works of the Lord according to the Psalms.........Love, Jenny

Gregg said...

And we'll keep praying here as well.

Donny has put up a heck of a fight so far and everyday he is getting a little stronger.

Jerry McLean said...

Hi Darla,we've been following Donny's journey through your words here. Bless you for all your faith and strength! What wonderful news that Donny is improving! It may take a very long time but, if you know Donny, he Will do it! We have a lot of people still praying and asking about him.
We Love you,
Carol and Jerry