Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tremendously Terrific Thursday

Tremendously Terrific Thursday - this is what I am aiming for today!!

Might just get my wish.

Although another uneventful night, Donny appears to have a busy day ahead of him. They lowered the respirator this morning with hopes we can completely ween him off within the next 24-48 hours. He continues to respond appropriately with a yes and no nod, but the slightest bit of "work" wears him out. His morning ritual has him "tuckered out" and he is now resting peacefully.

A chair/lift has been placed in his room and I was just informed they are going to try and have him sit today. Unbelievable - I didn't expect this. Funny how the smallest feats are now the most meaningful.

Late last night Dr. Reinoso decided since Donny is responding so well that we will wait another day before making a decision about the trach. The doctor does not like to leave the "tube" in longer than two weeks, but this is "not written in stone", so he wants to see how Donny tolerates the reduction in oxygen. Previous attempts have been unsuccessful, as we lower the ventilator he starts to breathe too fast. But this process will be gradual, has all other "happenings". Fortunately patience is now becoming one of my better virtues, a first for me, that's for sure.

Again, thank you all for your support, words of encouragement, emails, phone calls, prayers and friendship. I recognize how very blessed and lucky we are and I continue to look straight ahead and aim for the Home Stretch. I'd say we're rounding second base 'bout now!

Please know I am okay and Jason and Jennifer are doing well; much, much better after yesterday. Prayers are still needed but I thank God everyday he continues to listen.

Until I can find the right words - thank you again and again and again.

Love to all, Darla

PS Forgot to mention - Donny is moving the fingers in his right hand, the hand that was infected. We don't know about his strength and "use" of his hand, but they are suspecting the muscle damage is minimal if any. :)


Gregg said...

And it keeps getting better and better.

Once God starts to move he can get a little hard to keep up with. ;)

Anonymous said...

Darla and family,
I have been tracking Donny's progress daily through your blog and including him in my prayers ever since Linda called that night and said she was on her way to the hospital. My mother in law has her potent prayers going up also.
Sounds like Donny is fighting his way through this with the help of your love and everyone's prayers. Could be Miracle Man II.
Just wanted you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Diane Lanio

Anonymous said...

Darla and family,

My prayers and positve thoughts are sent to you. Linda let me know about this shocking news recently. I have been keeping up with your blog. You have been amazingly strong and positive and it sounds like it is paying off.

God bless,
Becky Nesmith

Anonymous said...

and the beat goes on....

Keep up the good work Mr. Farmer!!

Lots of love & prayers!
Matt and Stef