Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Donny's condition is still the same as yesterday, so stable is good news. Meds have been slightly decreased, white blood cell count is better but we need continued prayers for the areas of concern, the kidneys and his gastrointestinal tract. Thank everyone for your love and support. Will update later today. Jason, Jennifer and I are well.


Gregg said...

If I was closer I would bring you guys some lunch.

We'll keep praying.

Anonymous said...

We are praying constantly for Donny's recovery, Diane says hello and she'll be praying for Donny as well.

Leo & Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla -- I think about you and Donny all the time and continue to say prayers. I know God is listening. Thanks for keeping us posted. Joan & Mike

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear he is gradually getting better. Slow and steady wins the race!!

We are keeping you in our prayers!

Matthew & Stefanie Harrell

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Our prayers will continue. The Stanley's

Anonymous said...

Darla, Jason & Jennifer... Donny is so fortunate to be able to have slept through this part of his recovery process. He is going to be fine, I havent a doubt. He - along with Y'all - are in my Prayers all the time... You, too, Louise... Donny ain't never laid it down in his life, and, he ain't about to start now... He is a Survivor. He is in God's hands now... and, those are mighty Good Hands to be in... Please call me when he wakes up... I love you all... Michael P