Monday, June 9, 2008


Donny is completely off his sedation and pain meds. He is not yet responding, but I am confident it is just a matter of time.

Not a lot of change today, but I know he is resting up so he can soon sit up and tell us all just what he thinks! When he does awake, he will not be a happy camper nor a good patient, the nurses and doctors will probably wish he was back asleep!

As stated previously, everything related to the heart attack is improving nicely and the doctors are pleased. The removal of the sedatives and pain meds is a huge step. This evening he was restless so I left a little early to allow him to get a good nights rest. Although we are all a little anxious, it is too soon to assess or assume anything in respect to his neurological condition.

Donny Farmer has fought this battle with such courage and determination, that I know he will continue to be brave and get through this. If it were love and prayers alone, he'd be home, but God has a hand in it all and he's just taking his time in helping him heal.

As I think back over the last two weeks, it seems as this period of time has been an eternity. But then again I recall every moment of every second on May 28th after I arrived home. Fortunately I don't recall the evening hours, except that I was told repeatedly "we are working on him and doing everything we can". Little did they know "John Doe" was one helluva of a fighter and wasn't going anywhere.

Jason, Jennifer and I are still overwhelmed with emotion but could not have gotten through this without the love, support and gracious kindness of our family and friends.

Until Donny can tell you himself, on his behalf, we thank you all.

Please continue to pray, we have a path paved for us and I am certainly up for the long haul. I know the end result will once again to have my soul mate by my side.

Best wishes and love to all, Darla


Anonymous said...

Darla I am sorry we missed you Sunday, but I was galde you were taking time for yourself. No one but you and the kids can bring Donny home. You are the most important thing to him and your strength is what he his depending on. I saw your sole mate fighting and he is there. Hang in ther girl friend you are winning this battle.
Together with the grace of God we will see Donny going home. I talked to Brandon today and he is wathcing Donny's blog as hard as me and his Dad.

We Love You'll With All Our Hearts,
Richard, Vickie, Brandon,& Bryan

Susie de Leon said...

Glory be to God, for there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God; every battle is in His hands for Him to fight. AND our prayers is an indication of our faith hence the unbelievable response we've received in Donny’s recovery; He is undeniably our Lord and Savior and whole-heartedly listens to our hearts and prayers.

May he continue to bless and nurture Donny back to health, may he continue to bless you guys as to keep you strong, hopeful, and encouraged. In Jesus name, I pray.

Love you!

Susie & Kids

P.S. I’m glad to hear he has been taken off the pain meds and sedation. I too believe it’s just a matter of time before Donny wakes; without a doubt he’s bound and determined.