Saturday, June 7, 2008

Today is a Good Day

Donny had a good night and is making some progress. They've lessened his sedation medication slightly and he is resting well without agitation. It will be quite some time before he comes out of the sedation but we are "still headed in the right direction". His fluid retention is reducing so this helps him to breathe better and be less agitated. "He looks better today" per the doctors. His hand shows slight improvement and his heart rate and blood pressure remain stable. He is still on the ventilator for assistance with his oxygen levels, but he is breathing on his own.

The concern this morning is that his platelet count is dropping considerably. The doctors believe it may possibly be an allergic reaction to Lovinox and have ordered blood work to confirm. So again to doctors continue to find the right balance and combination of medication and treatment that will help him heal.

We're happy with the last 24 hours but still need your prayers. Please continue to pray.

Have a great weekend and I hope to have more great news to share this evening.

Love to all, Darla


Anonymous said...

Today is a GOOD day! Was hoping to find some more clever words, but I think that when my Mom taught me "God is GOOD all the time", she was absolutely right! Thanks for the thorough updates, Darla.
Ryan Shultz

Gregg said...

Thanks for the updates. We are having internet problems here so I am having to read everything with my blackberry.

Makes it hard to post but wanted you to know we are still praying and reading.