Wednesday, June 4, 2008

PM Update

Today ended on a semi-positive note. Donny has internal bleeding that is caused by his meds. They are removing the medications that has caused the bleeding and the body should repair itself. It will take 3-4 weeks for the area in the abdomen to heal (this is where he is bleeding. His liver, spleen and lungs look good. There has been damage to the kidneys, but again the body may heal on its own and it is too soon to know the extent of the damage.

Donny does have a blood clot in his arm and infection where the IV was. They have called in an Infectious Disease doctor and will better diagnosis the course of action tomorrow. The doctor just came in and there is good news and bad news. They have taken Donny off all meds minutes ago. Tomorrow we will attempt to slowly take him off the sedation medication and the ventilator depending on how he tolerates this.

The areas of concern are that he needs the blood thinner to dissolve the clot and prevent new ones, but the benefit outweighs the risk of removing his medications, so it is something they are monitoring closely. There is some concern with neurological function. Donny does respond to pain, but is not responding to any commands, so we are hoping that once we he is off the sedation his response will be better. Further testing will be done within the next 48 hours.

Overall he has made remarkable progress and he seems to gradually improve each day. His heart is growing stronger and beating on its own, but the areas of concern are fairly serious. The doctors are still attempting to "balance" his condition, it is still hour by hour, day by day, but we are staying positive that he will recover. I accept there are no guarantees or promises but know time is on our side.

Please continue to pray, Donny is not yet "out of the woods". I still believe he will he will go home a well man, he is a fighter and by reaching a one week goal, I know the power of prayer will continue to work.

My girlfriend, Tammy made it through a 7 hour triple bypass and the surgery went well. She is in ICU until tomorrow, but expect her to be in a room thereafter.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. Love to all, Darla


Anonymous said...

Y'all are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We know that Mr. Farmer will make it through this.

please let us know if you need anything at all.

Stefanie and Matthew

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla,
Ok, sounds like you said, good news and not so great news, but we know Donny is a fighter and will continue to fight through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all constantly. Stay strong and get some will be a long road so keep up the prayers and positive attitude! I know that we will. I will try to stop by tomorrow to see you. Love, Sharon and Jim

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say you'll are in are thoughts and pryers. Darla I talk to my mom today and she said to tell you she knows what you are going through and you are in her though and pray evey minute of the day. I also want to volenteer to take your place in helping Tammy in any way you would have.I would like to know were she is and will visit. If her family needs any help in her recovery please let me help. I can go sit with her at home were evey . I want to take something off you plate. Tammy and I have had some good times together and please let me do something. I also want to thank Debbie for all she has done for you, Jenifer, Jason and Donny. I know the family is greatful and I want her to know so are the friends. Please contact me and let me know how to help.

Love Vickie, Richard. Brandon and Bryan

Anonymous said...

Donny is in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if we can do anything.

Rhea, Debra and Ashley Laws

Gregg said...

I know Donny is going to be ok. We all need him to much to let him go. I want stop praying until he is 100%.

And as always, if you need anything at all please let me know.