Thursday, June 5, 2008

PM Update

Not much to report as of now. His hand is looking better and he was given a massaging air mattress today! Blood pressure is good, heart rate good and the internal bleeding is stabilized. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to start easing him off the ventilator and decreasing the sedation medicine. Please continue to pray we have a long journey ahead of us, but today was a good day and hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

My girlfriend is doing great and my sister's surgery was successful as well. Thank you for including them in your prayers.

I can't say it enough, but thank you all again for your thoughtfulness and continued support. Love to all, Darla


Stephen H said...

Thank you for keeping us all informed. Your strength and commitment are an inspiration to all of us. We will continue to keep each member of your family in our prayers as we move forward one day at a time. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for any of you.It is times like these you get to see how blessed and loved you are. love Stephen

Anonymous said...

Darla please call me, I am so lost on Tammy and Debbie surguryies. You need to let me help, sit with check on, are just deliver meals to help them. Now for you and Donny and the kids what can I do.
God has Graced us and I fell Donny is on his way back. But he needs you and you need him. So let me help with the other areas. Email me PLease I have time to help were every you would have been if Donny was beter.
Don't egnor this help I am begging to relieve your pressure in areas I can really help. I love you'll so much I fell Lost, let me help.

Love always Vickie, Richard, Brandon, and Bryan