Thursday, June 5, 2008


We have encouraging news this morning. Donny's condition is improving. His kidneys are better and his blood pressure is the best it has been and he if off all blood pressure medication. His heart is growing stronger and we will start today weening him off the ventilator and sedation. The internal bleeding is stabilized.

Few concerns, Donny's right hand is infected where the IV was, he has Cellulitis (I do not recall if that is exactly the correct name and or the proper spelling). He has a condition called "Compartment Syndrome". Fluid had built up and presses on the muscles of the hand. A Hand Surgeon came in last night and states that he needs surgery to relieve the pressure but he is not a candidate at this time. It is possible that he will lose the use of his hand, but the doctors are meeting this morning to discuss the possibility of performing any type procedure bedside with a local anesthetic to relief the pressure.

The sedation may be the cause of his lack of response. He is responding appropriately to pain, but still not responding to commands. It is too soon to speculate if there brain damage, but once we ease him out of the sedation we may see improvement. Your prayers are still needed. His condition is improving, he is still critical but stable. His doctors are encouraged and today "he looks good"! I am positive, confident and optimistic he will recover. Our focus these next few days will be easing him off the ventilator, bringing him out of sedation and neurological testing.

I can't say enough how very much Jason, Jennifer and I appreciate the kindness, compassion, words of encouragement, support and prayers. Please continue to pray and I will do my best to keep you all updated. Soon Donny and I will be able to thank each and everyone of you personally. Love to all, Darla


Susie de Leon said...

Good morning and God Bless +

Oh my goodness Darla, I'm happy to hear that Donny's condition is improving. I know it seems like a long journey ahead not knowing the extent of the damages so to speak but the fact that Donny is still with us a blessing in itself if not miracle (glory be to God) therefore, any news seems to be a blessing and indication from God, that he will in fact pull through this.

Thinking of you,

Cat, Susie and Kids

Gregg said...

It sounds really good. Thanks so much for keeping us updated.

It really means a lot.

Anonymous said...

Darla, Hey this is Jennifer (Pate) Eccles, I just wanted to let you know I just found out about this and I want you to know that you guys are all in our prayers and my Mom sends her's as well. We love you guys and will for sure be on the look out for the updates. I have faith that all will be well and he will come through this with flying colors!!

In our thoughts & prayers,
