Monday, June 2, 2008


Just met with doctors, from the day Donny entered the hospital to today, "he has made a world of progress", the Cardiologist is "pleased with the gradual progression" and can say with confidence he can "see light at the end of the tunnel". I am overwhelmed with emotion but knew this day would come.

They have removed the heart pump which was a huge source of infection. They have also removed the numerous lines in his groin and have cleaned and entered only one line on each side of the groin, this will make Donny more comfortable and of course help rid any other source of infection.

The focus this week will be neurological to see if there is any brain damage. Dr. Ellis suspects if any, it would be minimal. Donny is responding appropriately to pain and other gestures for his condition, but testing this week will confirm.

The biggest concern at this time is the kidneys. His enzyme level is still rising which is not good, but he is still producing urine which is a big plus in his favor.

He is still on life support at 50% but when we get to 40%, the doctors will discuss removing the trach - forgive me I don't know how to spell it! He is still in an induced coma, but that's okay, gives him more time to rest.

Your prayers are still needed, please don't stop the prayer chain. Although the news is great, he is still very ill and very critical, so please, please, please if ever I begged for anything, it is for prayer and his recovery. You ALL have done a great job in supporting us and Donny shows his appreciation by his will to fight. Please know I can't possibly find the right words to even offer at this time, except thank you again and again and again. Love to all - Darla


Anonymous said...

Thanks be to GOD.

Michael Junaid said...

Hey Donny & Family my prayer are with you all wish Donny a speedy recovery.If any one is tough enough to overcome any challenge i thrust in Donny to come out of this 100% keep the Faith God is the best doctor he will see you thru buddy...Godbless you all.

Mike Junaid-Republic Realty 10998 Wilcrest ste.198

kcjerseygirl said...

Oh, Darla. I am so grateful Donny is continuing to fight and that our prayers are, indeed, being answered. I will pray today that there is no brain damage - forget the minimal part - I'm going for NONE-ZIP-ZILCH-NADDA! I'll start praying for Donny's kidneys too. I'm thinking of you every minute of every day and keeping Donny close and sending positive thoughts his way. He will come out of this and he will be OK. Thanks again for updating the blog... I am grateful for the good news. 5 days!!! Way to go, Donny!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

This is indeed good news. Our prayers are still with Donny and the rest of the family and medical team. Darla, thank you so much for keeping us posted on his progress. Blessings to all.

Peggy J

Gregg said...

Thanks Darla for keeping us posted and we will continue praying here.

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

God Bless,

Nickey and Gina Barrington

Darren said...

I knew this day would come!!! I realize that there is still a long road ahead but how blessed are we all to get to this point.Darla, Jason & Jennifer you all are an inspiration to all of us with your strength you have had. I know Donny feels it too. We will continue to pray everyday until Donny has made a full recovery. We love you all.


karen said...

Hi Darla,
Michael told me about Donny and I was so sorry to hear it. But, it sounds like he's doing much better and I know it must be good for you to be able to stay in touch with everyone through your blog. I've been praying for all of you and I will sure keep it up. Take care of yourself, too, and let me know if there's anything I can do.

Karen Farmer