Friday, June 13, 2008


Well I'd say we hit a HOME RUN TODAY!!!

The doctors took out the tube and Donny was off the ventilator at noon today. He received an oxygen mask for a few hours and now only has the nasal oxygen. We plan to have him walk to the restroom tomorrow and start physical therapy.

Donny's first question coming off the ventilator was "where was his money"? His first question to me was "are you sleeping at night"? He has since ask for pizza and 5 soda's - he wants "banana cola, strawberry, blueberry, root beer and Mountain Dew. He wants to know "what are we waiting for, he has been waiting all day"! He repeatedly ask for water and pointed to the sink and said "there's the sink get it from there". He wants to "go home and come back at 9am tomorrow - this is ridiculous" he states. He's tried to pay the nurses, argue with me and he pulled out his feeding tube and now fusses with me about his nasal oxygen. He wants desperately to get up and still can't comprehend why he can't go home.

He recognized friends, knows his name and address and I've gotten several hugs and kisses. So in short - he's back!

The nurses that worked on him in the Cath Lab, the nurses in ICU and his doctors cannot believe he is "barking orders". They expected it to take several days for Donny to "come out of it".

He's "ready to go back to work" and has had two strawberry Popsicles. Needless to say he will not remember a thing when it's all said and done. He does understand he is in the hospital and that he had a heart attack. He asked me specifics and I was as vague as possible at this time. He does not remember a thing, not even the chest pains at the office the day of the heart attack. He has had us laughing and crying all at once today.

I am still running on adrenaline and can't quit touching him, it really all seems like a dream. This episode went by so quickly, yet it seems like months since we've touched. Jason and Jennifer will obviously have the best Father's Day in their lifetime. Donny wanted to know why "Jennifer's hair was blue (it's not) and wanted to "hurry up and go so Jason could cook him a meal". With his obsession with food and money, he is back to his old self (well pretty darn close).

He has full use of his right hand, no restrictions or problems that we can tell.

I do not know how long we will remain in the hospital, but know we start Physical Therapy tomorrow. ICU has been so kind and gracious, I hope he stays here until we are ready to go home, wishful thinking I am sure.

What do I say now? Lucky, blessed, thankful ... the doctors and nurses classify him as our second "Miracle Man", Dan just happen to take the title first! These boys need to find a different race to participate in!

From the bottom of my heart, I believe the power of prayer, divine intervention and our own personal angel saw us through this life changing event. Our amazing family and incredibly generous friends, together with everyone's love, support, thoughts and prayers have given me reassurance that we have to be the luckiest people on the face of the earth. "Thank you" still just doesn't seem quite enough, but until we can have the chance to say it face to face, THANK YOU.

Lastly, I need a huge favor from anyone and everyone. After witnessing the astounding effects of the power of prayer, not once but several times over, I have an urgent request. Our good friends, Ruth and Bill Losa, have just found out Bill has Cancer. He is in his very early 40's and has a family of four, ranging from 16 to 4. They suspect Lung Cancer, but it should be confirmed next week. They removed a Lymph Node today to test as well. Please, please, please if I can beg for prayer one more time, it is for this family. I will keep everyone posted as to the news once received.

God Bless You All and if ever I can repay the favor, don't ever hesitate to ask, I will forever be indebted to every one's kindness and generousity.

Love to all, Darla, Jason and Jennifer


Unknown said...

The Pastor of our Church said," I don't know how to explain this, but in every situation there is Grace from God. This is again proven with Donny, oh how much we take life for granted, until we come face to face with a life changing event. Darla, you are a wonder, I am so proud to be a friend in your's and Donny's life. God has given us all, Grace through your ordeal. Through, "The valley of the shadow of death" we are able to see the Shepherds hand.

Gregg said...

I've been waiting for this post since the day it all started.

I had to stop several times to get the tears out of my eyes.

Thank God he is back. I've missed him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla,
Wanted to say how happy I'm to hear this news...your are in my prayers...Mike told me and I have been checking the updates...please tell Donny I was checking in ...

mortgageguru said...

This is awesome I had a paper towel by my and as I was reading through the post the paper towel ended up soaked. I am so glad this day has come and we will continue to pray bring back his strength. Please let Uncle Donny know we have been praying and will continue to do so. Cant wait to see him go home!!


Anonymous said...

Darla and Family,

I was so glad to hear the good news about Donny and I know you are very excited! I knew this day would come but it was going to take some time but it was all worth the wait! You let Donny know that he is in my thoughts and prayers and my family ask about him daily. God is awesome and sometimes we don't know why things have to happen but there is always a reason and trust me it only makes you a stronger person. I know Donny is thanking God for his life right now and he will grow closer to him. I hope you know I have been thinking about all of you and my prayers will continue and I know Donny will get stronger each day. Darla you take care of yourself and stay positive and get some rest. If I can do anything please don't hesitate to call me. Talk to you soon.

Love to all,

Sandra Farmer