Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

Who ever said Friday the 13th was unlucky is dead wrong!

Today we are having a lucky and fantastic Friday. Donny had a very rough night, but it was well worth the fight all night long. He is sitting up in a "recliner" this morning and the doctors have just done blood work and breathing tests to confirm everything is okay, if so, in about an hour we are going to pull the tube and he will be off the ventilator!

I am operating on about an hour of sleep but couldn't be more awake!

Everyone has been in to visit the morning and is amazed how well Donny is doing. Although he is on some sedation and is "in and out", he is responding to all questions, he is holding up the correct number of fingers and leaned in to give me a kiss and mouthed "I love you". I can't even begin to describe all this.

I want to go now, we have things to do...but I will update later in the day I am sure with more great news.

Thank you, thank you, thank you a hundred times over.

I received this quote yesterday and wanted to share:

“Let life’s trials strengthen your faith, intensify your wisdom and magnify your virtues. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. It’s a win-win battle, for in the process you become a better person.”

Better? I will be magnificent!

Love to all, Darla


hibbelermom said...

Oh, Darla! We are just elated!!! Donny has always been one to defy or beat the odds! We wouldn't expect any different now! I am sitting here in tears of joy. I've always marveled at the strength of this family in times of crisis and the love that is poured out by all. We will continue to pray for patience and comfort in the tough days ahead. God is definitely good and He is always there. You and Donny have such an amazing love story! You have all been so strong through all of this. Keep your eye on the Base Coach at third because it looks like you're being waved in!!! Just have faith in Him. Keep fighting Donny! We love and believe in you...
Love Bernie, Darren, Masen and Logan

Gregg said...

Sounds really good.

I will continue reading through the day to see how it all goes.

Thanks so much for keeping us posted and I'll be praying.

Unknown said...

What great news, we've been praying for this day and the next and the next...jmk

RicknRhonda said...

Oh what Wonderful news we just heard. Aunt Louise just called Ricky and I and told us the wonderful news about Donny. I knew when I first saw Donny in the hospital that he was a fighter and as we all know he is just that. THANK YOU LORD! Another thing that has helped Donny be strong and get stronger every day is that the is surrounded by A WONDERFUL LOVING WIFE, KIDS, AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND MOST OF ALL A VERY WONDERFUL GOD!!!
We are so excited and can not wait to see yall soon!!

Ricky and Rhonda