Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"He's back and very intelligent" (tell me something I don't already know!!) These are the words of Donny's Pulmonary doctor late this evening.

Because he is doing so well, we are going to wait a little longer before making a decision on the trach.

The CT Scan did not show anything except slight Sinusitis and possible ear infection. The infected hand showed minor abscess but nothing more and Donny moved the fingers of his right hand - this is all great, great news.

Donny is still responding to yes and no questions and was quite adamant about showing us he wanted a drink by motioning with both hands in an upward motion.

Everything from a medical standpoint is doing very well, we still just need to get him off the respirator which is taking a little longer, it's okay, time is obviously on our side.

Please keep Donny in your prayers, he has made astounding accomplishments over the last few days, but still has work to do. No doubt he'll continue to fight with courage and determination.

I am beyond elated, exhausted, but a very, very happy person.

Love to all, Darla


kcjerseygirl said...

Oh, Darla!!!!
Way to go, Donny!!!
See, girl, I JUST KNEW IT!!!
I am smilin' from ear to ear and am so very happy for Donny's incredible, fantastic news. I am talkin' to God and saying lots of "thanks" right now. I'll keep prayin' and sending positive thoughts your way. I am so, so happy for both of you. I know it's been a long, long two weeks for you, the kids, Louise and all your family and friends But... worth EVERY MINUTE!!! Glad he's back with us!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

God is good!!!!!!! Hang in there Darla and please call any time for reinforcements. I have just been trying to stay out of the way but you know I am around the corner if you need anything. Tell the kids I love them. See you soon.

Love always,
Richard, Vickie, Brandon, & Bryan

Susie de Leon said...

Happy Thursday ...

What a week it's been, without a doubt an amazing one at that.

Goodness, what GREAT news! But you know, truth be told, the amazing recovery progress to date is nothing more than typical for Mr. Donny Farmer, in fact the Don Farmer way, is it not? After all, he just doesn't know how to fail. :-)

See you soon.

Take care and God Bless +

With love and continued support,

Cat, Susie & Kids

Gregg said...

Best news I've had all year. Tell him it is great to have him back. (-:

Anonymous said...

WOW Darla,
This is the best news so far. For years I've heard what a great team
you and Donnie are. I've heard that
behind every great man is a strong
woman. Last Saturday, in the waiting
room, I got to see that for myself. I have been praying for you both at work, at home and even in my sleep (I think). Looks like Team Farmer hit a home run yesterday. I hope the remaining innings aren't quite so scary.
Melanie and Dave