Friday, June 6, 2008

Day 9

As we grow close to day 9, we are still counting our blessings. Donny's heart continues to grow strong, his heart rate is excellent and he is maintaining good blood pressure on his own without medication. His hand is a little better, so the doctors are hoping that the trauma will be less. In respect to the heart attack, he is recovering nicely and to the level the doctors expected. This is good news.

Donny had a rough night. He experienced two coughing spells so they have elevated his oxygen level to 60% but he is still breathing on his own. The doctors did an x-ray of the chest and the lungs are clear and no signs of pneumonia. He does have a blood clot in the left leg. We knew this may be a possibility when we removed him from the blood thinners a few days ago. He was taken off the blood thinners because of the internal bleeding. The internal bleeding is now stabilized. We are introducing the blood thinners and diuretic today to dissolve the blood clot and relieve some of the fluid build up. Donny's normal weight is 220-225 and he is at 290 today. The good news is that he is hopefully strong enough to withstand these obstacles. It is very much a balancing act to find the right combination to help him heal and there is no way to tell when issues arise, we just have to address them as they come.

The days are long, but time is going by fast. The support and encouragement by everyone helps us stay positive and optimistic. Please, please continue to pray. I know our prayers will eventually be answered. If ever I've begged the Good Lord, it's now. I know he is listening. I just have to remind myself this process is going to be slow and gradual, but the doctors and our family continue to be encouraged.

Thank you again for love, support and compassion. Love to all, Darla


Gregg said...

Everyday we are getting closer to the day when Donny will be back home with you guys.

Jewels said...

Family #2~
You are pushing through this great! If i can help please let me know. My thoughts and prayers are also with Aunt Debbie and the rest of the Mouton family as well as with Tammy and her family. Jennifer- i love you and if you need me im here.

Love you

Paul Chesne said...

Sending all my love to the Farmer's. You are wonderful people. Please call me if you have any questions. I can put you in touch with my pops who has been a cardiologist for 50 years and is a brilliant wonderful fellow.