Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 5

We made it! Day 5 began at 4pm today. To have Donny with us is a miracle according to his doctors, no surprise to anyone that knows him. He is strong, motivated, determined and this is just a test of his will power.

Not much progress to report, he is stable and we are staying positive that stable is good. A few "glitches" we are addressing today, the kidneys are not functioning properly but he is producing urine which is in his favor. One side effect of the 3 blood pressure medicines that he is on is damage to the kidneys, so they are decreasing the medicine most detrimental to the kidneys. He should be weened off 1 blood pressure medicine by this evening. The doctor just stopped in and reports that "things are still the same".

Good news - Donny opened his eyes twice today but still frets when he hears our voice, so we are keeping the touch and "talking to" very limited. Little does he know he has a "good talking to" when he is well. He has always done things on a big scale, but this one takes the cake!

Until I can thank each and every one of you personally, please know we are sincerely grateful for your continued support. Love to all, Darla


Gregg said...

Thank God,

I was getting a little worried when I did not see the blog being updated.

I've been needing to do some praying and Donny has caused me to have to do my share this week.

God willing he will be back on his feet by the end of the week.

mortgageguru said...

Good to hear I am sorry I haven't made it up this weekend but I do plan to come up this week at some point. I find myself checking this page very often through the day and will continue to do so. We will continue to pray and think positive.

Love To Everyone,

Anonymous said...

Hi Darla,
Glad to hear Donny is holding his own! We are thinking about you and your family constantly and keeping you all in our prayers. I know he is strong and is going to come through this. We love you guys and will continue our prayers. Sharon

Susie de Leon said...


First and foremost, it's been an extremely busy time for me and the kiddos as we approach Cat and Mike’s graduation this week additionally, as I prepare them for college. Needless to say, time didn’t permit me to log on to MySpace like I normally do AND I feel SO bad about it otherwise, I would have perhaps known about Donny sooner.

I am SO sorry to hear about his situation! Though inevitable distance between us, nothing will ever erase the gratitude, love, friendship and bond we feel towards Donny and yourself moreover, Farmer Family.

While I don't know exactly what you’re feeling, I can from experience, only imagine the frustration and agony it all brings. In fact, with all due respect, I believe not knowing what tomorrow will bring is probably the hardest thing any one person in this world can experience let alone endure BUT rest assured that hope and prayer more importantly, faith in our God almighty makes even the seemingly impossible, possible. With that said, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you today, tomorrow, and always.

Susie and Kids

P.S. Wishing Donny a speedy recovery, God Bless +