Saturday, June 21, 2008

3 Small Words

As I write this last blog, I can't seem to find the right words to express my gratitude and appreciation. From phone calls, emails, hugs, food, flowers, words of encouragement and unending generosity; I am now simply at a loss for words. If I could I would reach out and give each and everyone of you a hug. I just don't know what to say at this point.

From the friends who sat with me hour after hour, cried with me and laughed with me, to my family that spent many a night on the floor of the ICU waiting room and at Donny's bedside, it brings me to tears how lucky and blessed we truly are. Obviously tears of joy because I know it is your prayers, love and support, Donny's will to fight and the grace of God that we have him home.

Donny is doing well, very weak and tires easily, but making every effort to "follow doctors orders" and is being a "good boy". He starts Cardiac Rehabilatation on Tuesday for 12 weeks and returns to the doctor in 2 weeks. He currently has 4 stints but we do not expect any future surgeries at this point. We are already enjoying our new diet and he has a route from the living to the kitchen! He is only allowed to walk right now. So on his behalf and mine, "thank you". These two small words seem so inadequate, but know they're from the bottom of our hearts. I must say, the 3 best words I've ever heard, were "I Love You" from my husband.

I'll never in this life time take even one small second for granted, life is very, very short. Take the time to say "I Love You" and cherish every moment you have to live with the one you love. I certainly will.

Love to all, Donny, Darla, Jason and Jennifer Farmer

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Take off the wristbands and gas up the car ... we're going home!

More later - we are literally packing up and headin' out!!

Love to all, Darla

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 21

As we approach week 3 today, we are still amazed far we've come. The doctor stated this morning, Donny will go home Friday or Saturday. He finishes his antibiotics today and will start Cardiac Therapy in about a week. Everything is healing and Donny continues to improve in every aspect.

If anyone is trying to reach me, my cell phone has been "locked" for 2 days, I do not have any service so please contact me on Donny's phone. My apology if I have not returned your call or voice mail, but I can't access my phone book to return any calls.

Thanks again for everyone's continued support, love and prayers.

Love to all, Darla

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another GREAT Day

Donny walked down the hall today and is waiting for his first shower! Funny how the little things we take for granted have become so important.

The doctors expect him to go home by the weekend if his strength continues to improve. Everyone is still in awe, including me.

I will keep everyone posted, but as of now Donny is just being monitored and weened off his medications. The Physical Therapist states Donny is "strong" but still has a lot of work to do and is limited to "walking" for a period of time.

I am learning about food, diet and exercise and excited to get him home and start our new life. I am confident the second time around will be just as good as the first round. I thank God everyday for giving us a second chance.

Best wishes and please keep Donny and our friend Bill in your prayers just a while longer. :)

Love to all, Darla

Monday, June 16, 2008


We are in our room!! Methodist Hospital - Sugar Land - Room 321

Having a great day and Donny is walking better each attempt he makes. He is just about "unplugged" from everything and is very happy about it!

Hope everyone's day is as happy as ours.

Love to all, Darla

Day 19

We are waiting to move to a private room today and out of ICU - YAHOO a day early!

The doctors and nurses, many who have not seen Donny in a week or longer, continue to stop by to see our "Miracle Man", they can't believe how well he is doing. Lots of joy and excitement today.

Donny walked to the restroom, fed himself and is complaining, so he's pretty much on the road to recovery. No funny or interesting stories yesterday, so the sedatives are just about to wear off.

We should start physical therapy today or tomorrow. I do not yet know how long we will remain in the hospital, but from Friday to today, he has made tremendous progress.

I'm still a little in shock, and have to pinch myself to realize all this really happen, but I never wavered that he would pull through. With all the prayers and support, my belief was reinforced.

Thank you all again for everything. I can't say it enough.

I am well and Jason and Jennifer and doing great.

Please keep our friend Bill and his family in your prayers along with Donny's speedy recovery. Won't be long until I get him home.

Love to all, Darla

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Donny continues to improve on his special day. His first question today was "where are the kids"?

He will probably be released from ICU and go to a private room on Tuesday. Donny's condition is stll improving and we now focus on regaining his strength. He is not yet able to stand on his own, but is making baby steps and is eager to "walk again".

Staff members, the sheriff's department and "strangers" are still coming by to see our Miracle Man II. Miracle Man I visited last night and we know soon, we'll exchange "war stories".

Donny has finally gotten over me not letting him go home last night to watch the fight but keeps asking "when is Jason going to be here?" by gosh he wants to see KJ's fight! By the way, he won and in about 30 seconds and still holds the Title!!

Donny doesn't remember anything, but fully comprehends what has happened and promises me he will do everything to get strong and stay healthy.

Our prayers were answered and I know with time he'll be back on top and ready to rock!!

To all the Dad's - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY - count your blessings, we're certainly counting ours.

Love to all, Darla

PS Bill we love you and are praying for you. Stay strong and be positive, God will watch over you.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Gone Fishin'

Late last night Donny told us "he went fishing with some really nice guys at Lake Houston and Corpus. No it wasn't Corpus but Conroe. It was a really good deal, but he didn't catch any fish so he wanted his money back and he had a receipt". Donny Farmer has not fished a day in his life. This morning when he say his hand he stated, "I knew I did this on that darn boat".

He thinks "we should charge admission for all the visitors and let them know in 4 years he has recovered". His sense of humor has returned for sure.

I finally convinced him I would record the Elite XC fight for him tonight on Showtime. Our friend, KJ Noons if fighting this evening and by gosh Donny was "going home to watch it and then he'd come back tomorrow". He has talked continuously about this fight and that "he is not going to miss it, he didn't care what the doctors said".

Today has been busy. He sat up and has some breakfast and has been sitting bedside a few times since. He is very, very weak but understands he has to work hard to get his strength back. He is doing remarkably well. Still requiring a little oxygen and insulin, but other than antibiotics and high blood pressure medicine, all meds have been stopped.

Sorry for the late update and from here on out, it may only be once a day update. Donny's recovery is of course my priority and right now he needs me more than ever. So far he has been a fairly good patient, he just cannot get comfortable and rest. Coming out of the sedation is "yucky" he says. But luckily he has commented several times "he knows he has to eat healthy and exercise". If ever I can recommend one thing, it is to pay attention to your body, eat right, exercise and reduce your stress. Life is way too short. I can assure you Donny will soon be reading "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, It's All Small Stuff".

Please keep the prayers going for Donny and our friend, Bill Losa. Both are amazing men, wonderful fathers, awesome husbands and very dear to our hearts.

Until tomorrow, I send my love to all, Darla

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well I'd say we hit a HOME RUN TODAY!!!

The doctors took out the tube and Donny was off the ventilator at noon today. He received an oxygen mask for a few hours and now only has the nasal oxygen. We plan to have him walk to the restroom tomorrow and start physical therapy.

Donny's first question coming off the ventilator was "where was his money"? His first question to me was "are you sleeping at night"? He has since ask for pizza and 5 soda's - he wants "banana cola, strawberry, blueberry, root beer and Mountain Dew. He wants to know "what are we waiting for, he has been waiting all day"! He repeatedly ask for water and pointed to the sink and said "there's the sink get it from there". He wants to "go home and come back at 9am tomorrow - this is ridiculous" he states. He's tried to pay the nurses, argue with me and he pulled out his feeding tube and now fusses with me about his nasal oxygen. He wants desperately to get up and still can't comprehend why he can't go home.

He recognized friends, knows his name and address and I've gotten several hugs and kisses. So in short - he's back!

The nurses that worked on him in the Cath Lab, the nurses in ICU and his doctors cannot believe he is "barking orders". They expected it to take several days for Donny to "come out of it".

He's "ready to go back to work" and has had two strawberry Popsicles. Needless to say he will not remember a thing when it's all said and done. He does understand he is in the hospital and that he had a heart attack. He asked me specifics and I was as vague as possible at this time. He does not remember a thing, not even the chest pains at the office the day of the heart attack. He has had us laughing and crying all at once today.

I am still running on adrenaline and can't quit touching him, it really all seems like a dream. This episode went by so quickly, yet it seems like months since we've touched. Jason and Jennifer will obviously have the best Father's Day in their lifetime. Donny wanted to know why "Jennifer's hair was blue (it's not) and wanted to "hurry up and go so Jason could cook him a meal". With his obsession with food and money, he is back to his old self (well pretty darn close).

He has full use of his right hand, no restrictions or problems that we can tell.

I do not know how long we will remain in the hospital, but know we start Physical Therapy tomorrow. ICU has been so kind and gracious, I hope he stays here until we are ready to go home, wishful thinking I am sure.

What do I say now? Lucky, blessed, thankful ... the doctors and nurses classify him as our second "Miracle Man", Dan just happen to take the title first! These boys need to find a different race to participate in!

From the bottom of my heart, I believe the power of prayer, divine intervention and our own personal angel saw us through this life changing event. Our amazing family and incredibly generous friends, together with everyone's love, support, thoughts and prayers have given me reassurance that we have to be the luckiest people on the face of the earth. "Thank you" still just doesn't seem quite enough, but until we can have the chance to say it face to face, THANK YOU.

Lastly, I need a huge favor from anyone and everyone. After witnessing the astounding effects of the power of prayer, not once but several times over, I have an urgent request. Our good friends, Ruth and Bill Losa, have just found out Bill has Cancer. He is in his very early 40's and has a family of four, ranging from 16 to 4. They suspect Lung Cancer, but it should be confirmed next week. They removed a Lymph Node today to test as well. Please, please, please if I can beg for prayer one more time, it is for this family. I will keep everyone posted as to the news once received.

God Bless You All and if ever I can repay the favor, don't ever hesitate to ask, I will forever be indebted to every one's kindness and generousity.

Love to all, Darla, Jason and Jennifer

Friday the 13th

Who ever said Friday the 13th was unlucky is dead wrong!

Today we are having a lucky and fantastic Friday. Donny had a very rough night, but it was well worth the fight all night long. He is sitting up in a "recliner" this morning and the doctors have just done blood work and breathing tests to confirm everything is okay, if so, in about an hour we are going to pull the tube and he will be off the ventilator!

I am operating on about an hour of sleep but couldn't be more awake!

Everyone has been in to visit the morning and is amazed how well Donny is doing. Although he is on some sedation and is "in and out", he is responding to all questions, he is holding up the correct number of fingers and leaned in to give me a kiss and mouthed "I love you". I can't even begin to describe all this.

I want to go now, we have things to do...but I will update later in the day I am sure with more great news.

Thank you, thank you, thank you a hundred times over.

I received this quote yesterday and wanted to share:

“Let life’s trials strengthen your faith, intensify your wisdom and magnify your virtues. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason. It’s a win-win battle, for in the process you become a better person.”

Better? I will be magnificent!

Love to all, Darla

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 16

Well our day didn't end up so terrific, but that's okay, I am happy to report we are on day 16. Donny is still physically improving and doing well. He had a few minor set backs that didn't allow us any progress today on the ventilator. They changed his nutrition because his sodium was too high and it didn't agree with him. He had a rough day. But they've changed his "dinner" and he is doing much better this evening and resting well. He had to be sedated several times today to keep him calm. Just a small minor glitch in our plan, no biggie.

The good news is he attempted to write this evening! He attempted to hold the pen in his right hand (the infected hand that has recovered nicely) but couldn't quite write just yet. He is responding to all questions with a nod and definitely wants the tube out and a drink of water! He is in and out of consciousness but is definitely "all there" when he is awake.

I know there are tough times ahead but I know the end result will all be worth it. He's a fighter and pretty soon will be keeping up with "Super Dan".

Most of you know about our dear friend Dan Shultz, he suffered a massive heart attack exactly like Donny one year ago Monday. His chance of survival was very, very slim and he is referred to as a "miracle man" by his doctors. He was shocked 33 times while trying to save his life. Fortunately he made a rapid and remarkable recovery and is strong and healthy today. Donny was shocked only 8 times and although he was "touch and go" for several days, his recovery from the heart attack progressed gradually and to the extent the doctors expected, it was just the complications that kept arising that has prevented Donny from recovering sooner. I am still 100% confident we will be approaching third base soon.

Thank you all for your comments, thoughts, prayers, well wishes, kindness, love, support and prayers. You've made this difficult time much easier.

Hoping for a Fantastic Friday.

Love to all, Darla

Tremendously Terrific Thursday

Tremendously Terrific Thursday - this is what I am aiming for today!!

Might just get my wish.

Although another uneventful night, Donny appears to have a busy day ahead of him. They lowered the respirator this morning with hopes we can completely ween him off within the next 24-48 hours. He continues to respond appropriately with a yes and no nod, but the slightest bit of "work" wears him out. His morning ritual has him "tuckered out" and he is now resting peacefully.

A chair/lift has been placed in his room and I was just informed they are going to try and have him sit today. Unbelievable - I didn't expect this. Funny how the smallest feats are now the most meaningful.

Late last night Dr. Reinoso decided since Donny is responding so well that we will wait another day before making a decision about the trach. The doctor does not like to leave the "tube" in longer than two weeks, but this is "not written in stone", so he wants to see how Donny tolerates the reduction in oxygen. Previous attempts have been unsuccessful, as we lower the ventilator he starts to breathe too fast. But this process will be gradual, has all other "happenings". Fortunately patience is now becoming one of my better virtues, a first for me, that's for sure.

Again, thank you all for your support, words of encouragement, emails, phone calls, prayers and friendship. I recognize how very blessed and lucky we are and I continue to look straight ahead and aim for the Home Stretch. I'd say we're rounding second base 'bout now!

Please know I am okay and Jason and Jennifer are doing well; much, much better after yesterday. Prayers are still needed but I thank God everyday he continues to listen.

Until I can find the right words - thank you again and again and again.

Love to all, Darla

PS Forgot to mention - Donny is moving the fingers in his right hand, the hand that was infected. We don't know about his strength and "use" of his hand, but they are suspecting the muscle damage is minimal if any. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"He's back and very intelligent" (tell me something I don't already know!!) These are the words of Donny's Pulmonary doctor late this evening.

Because he is doing so well, we are going to wait a little longer before making a decision on the trach.

The CT Scan did not show anything except slight Sinusitis and possible ear infection. The infected hand showed minor abscess but nothing more and Donny moved the fingers of his right hand - this is all great, great news.

Donny is still responding to yes and no questions and was quite adamant about showing us he wanted a drink by motioning with both hands in an upward motion.

Everything from a medical standpoint is doing very well, we still just need to get him off the respirator which is taking a little longer, it's okay, time is obviously on our side.

Please keep Donny in your prayers, he has made astounding accomplishments over the last few days, but still has work to do. No doubt he'll continue to fight with courage and determination.

I am beyond elated, exhausted, but a very, very happy person.

Love to all, Darla


Donny continues to respond with a nod not only to me, but the doctors and nurses and then he SQUEEZED MY HAND!

I thought giving birth was the most amazing time of my life, but this may just top that feeling!

His cardiologist has been in and is amazed at his progress. Physically Donny is improving and doing well. We need to continue to talk and stimulate him and when ask moments ago "did he want to see Jason and Jennifer" he nodded his head "yes"!

I have to go now and hold hands with my husband - just wanted to quickly share the exciting news!

Love to all, Darla


Never did I think the words "can you hear me" mean so much. Just a slight nod this morning and then back to "la-la" land, but Donny acknowledged me again this morning.

The doctors have not yet arrived today, so not much to report just yet. His night was restless and he is receiving pain medication as needed to keep him comfortable, about every 4 hours according to the nurses.

I will update as soon as there is news to report.

Keeping the faith that today will be better than yesterday and for sure a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY.

Love to all, Darla

PS - For those who know me and my "3's", yesterday was the 13th day! Anything with a "3" is lucky for us.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Our prayers are being answered. This evening Donny nodded in response to a question. His brother Jimmy ask him if he could hear us to nod his head, although faint, he nodded yes. I was overwhelmed to say the least. We waited a bit and he opened his eyes for about 3 minutes. During this time he responded with a nod to 3 direct questions. The nurse, his Mother, brother and myself were in the room.

Donny was then taken for his Cat Scan of the brain and hand. He became so agitated that they phoned his doctor for approval to sedate him. His doctor stated "that if he was responding to direct questions with a nod, that he did not want him to have anymore sedation", so they were unable to perform the Cat Scan this evening and will try again tomorrow.

I can't possibly find the right words to describe this. The first thought that comes to mind is simply "Thank You" - to all OUR friends, God above, my amazing family, the doctors, nurses but most of all to Donny for fighting, being brave and "hanging in there". We're not yet to the home stretch, but I'd say we certainly reached first base.

Tears of joy continue to flow and I can't wait for tomorrow. I knew today would be a "Terrific Tuesday" and I am 100% positive tomorrow will be a "Wonderful Wednesday".

Please, please, please continue to pray. We have a long way to go, but I can't imagine anything being more difficult than these last two weeks and I know now I can handle anything put before me. You mark my words, we're gonna hit a "Home Run" before it's all said and done.

Time for wine -

Love to all, Darla

Early Evening Update

The nurses are "kicking me out of ICU now" during shift change from 6-8pm so I take that as good news that they won't let me stay in his room during this period.

The doctors are performing a CT scan of the brain and hand tonight. I am not certain I will get the results this evening, but they said "possibly". I will post late tonight if we get any results.

Not much change today, still waiting for Donny to wake up. He is responding to my voice but no other commands at this time. We surpassed 24 hours today, but it is still very, very early to expect him to recover from the sedation just yet. He has been off all meds introduced for his blood pressure and heart for one week and all his vital organs have recovered well and continue to improve.

More than likely Donny will go from the hospital to rehab, but time will tell what is needed and is best for him, but this is our preliminary goal. We will also insert the trach tomorrow or Thursday. Now that I better understand and know that it will make things easier for Donny, I am all for it. This too will be temporary.

Until later -

Love to all, Darla

AM Update

The doctors have not yet been by this morning, but Donny had an uneventful night. Still maintaining good blood pressure, heart rate, etc. His hand looks great today and most of the fluid has dispersed. He looks really good.

He has opened his eyes twice this morning, but no other response at this time. That's okay, it is still very, very early, not yet 24 hours since we have completely removed the sedation medication.

He is very restless but receives pain medication when needed.

I will post another update later today when the doctors make their rounds.

Please continue to pray. Today is going to be a terrific Tuesday, I just know it.

Love to all, Darla

Monday, June 9, 2008


Donny is completely off his sedation and pain meds. He is not yet responding, but I am confident it is just a matter of time.

Not a lot of change today, but I know he is resting up so he can soon sit up and tell us all just what he thinks! When he does awake, he will not be a happy camper nor a good patient, the nurses and doctors will probably wish he was back asleep!

As stated previously, everything related to the heart attack is improving nicely and the doctors are pleased. The removal of the sedatives and pain meds is a huge step. This evening he was restless so I left a little early to allow him to get a good nights rest. Although we are all a little anxious, it is too soon to assess or assume anything in respect to his neurological condition.

Donny Farmer has fought this battle with such courage and determination, that I know he will continue to be brave and get through this. If it were love and prayers alone, he'd be home, but God has a hand in it all and he's just taking his time in helping him heal.

As I think back over the last two weeks, it seems as this period of time has been an eternity. But then again I recall every moment of every second on May 28th after I arrived home. Fortunately I don't recall the evening hours, except that I was told repeatedly "we are working on him and doing everything we can". Little did they know "John Doe" was one helluva of a fighter and wasn't going anywhere.

Jason, Jennifer and I are still overwhelmed with emotion but could not have gotten through this without the love, support and gracious kindness of our family and friends.

Until Donny can tell you himself, on his behalf, we thank you all.

Please continue to pray, we have a path paved for us and I am certainly up for the long haul. I know the end result will once again to have my soul mate by my side.

Best wishes and love to all, Darla


Good morning,

Not much to report, "no news is good news". Donny has remained stable and all areas associated with the heart attack continue to improve. Slightly low on sodium this morning, but this is corrected with intake of water. No new complications - yeah!!!

According to his cardiologist this morning, our goals remain the same, to ease him out of sedation and off the ventilator. There is still the question of the neurological condition, but time will tell. His condition remains critical and he will stay in ICU so he will receive the attention and care he deserves.

I've said it time and time again, they don't know Donny Farmer, he is the most motivated and determined person on the face of the earth and he has fought through this critical time with amazing strength and courage. From the inner depth of my soul, I know he will continue to fight, he has too much life left to live.

Please, please continue to pray. We need everyone's continued support more than ever this week. God is good all the time and prayers do get answered.

Thanks again for everything.

Love to all, Darla

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The end of day 10

As we start day 11, the news is still positive. Not a lot of change throughout the day, but Donny's condition remains "stable" and "guarded". Our goal remains to ease him out of the sedation and off the ventilator and proceed with neurological testing. He was resting very well this evening and responded to the doctors command to open his eyes.

I am respectively requesting that visitation be limited during the next few days. It is crucial to Donny's recovery. We are confident he is aware of people visiting and he becomes very agitated and excited when we speak to him so we have elected to keep him calm while easing him out of the sedation.

Jason, Jennifer and I very much appreciate the love, support, prayers and everyone being so extremely gracious. We realize how very lucky and blessed we are to have such a wonderful family and amazing friends.

Please continue to pray, we are make gradual slow progress, but not yet "out of the woods". I can't wait for the day to write ~ WE'RE GOING HOME!

Love to all, Darla


Donny had a good night and so far a good morning. His platelet count is up which is good, his kidney count is down which is good and his blood pressure and heart rate continue to remain stable. Our goal for the next few days will be to take him out of the induced coma and more into a tranquilized state. Overall "he looks good" per his doctor this morning.

Although he is not yet responding, he did open his eyes again today. The fluid is slowing dissipating and he physically looks as handsome as ever to me!! His hand is improving and looks so much better.

His condition remains critical, but we are finally seeing signs of improvement. I know his determination has never wavered and our family is more encouraged than ever.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and please don't let up on the prayers, we once again have proof that "prayers do get answered"!

Love to all, Darla

PS - My girlfriend Tammy that had the triple bypass is doing amazingly well and going home on Monday. My sister is recovering nicely as well. Thank you for including them in your prayers.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Sorry for the late update, we are so excited that I can hardly type. Donny opened his eyes 3 times late this evening. There was family in the room and we all witnessed it, so it was not just my observation. Donny's younger brother, Mike, spoke to Donny first and thought "he might be seeing things" so Donny's two brothers and I went to his room and I leaned across the bed and called his name and his beautiful eyes looked back at me. An hour later with my Aunt and Uncle, he opened them again when I spoke to him. I am so elated that I am 100% absolutely positively confident he will pull through this.

We lowered his sedation slightly again this evening and so far he is comfortable and not agitated. His fluid retention has been reduced and we feel the excess fluid was a contributing factor to his breathing and agitation. He is down to 45% on the respirator and his blood pressure and heart rate continue to improve without medication. He continues to gradually improve from the effects of the heart attack, but he is still considered critical and we have a long, long way to go. His platelet count improved slightly and his jaundice is stable and we introduced new blood thinners. So far he has tolerated the new medication. Our hope is that with his heart growing stronger he is able to survive the complications as they arise.

Please, please, please continue to pray. Donny is still critical, but this small piece of hope has convinced me God is listening and our prayers will be answered.

Love to all, Darla

Today is a Good Day

Donny had a good night and is making some progress. They've lessened his sedation medication slightly and he is resting well without agitation. It will be quite some time before he comes out of the sedation but we are "still headed in the right direction". His fluid retention is reducing so this helps him to breathe better and be less agitated. "He looks better today" per the doctors. His hand shows slight improvement and his heart rate and blood pressure remain stable. He is still on the ventilator for assistance with his oxygen levels, but he is breathing on his own.

The concern this morning is that his platelet count is dropping considerably. The doctors believe it may possibly be an allergic reaction to Lovinox and have ordered blood work to confirm. So again to doctors continue to find the right balance and combination of medication and treatment that will help him heal.

We're happy with the last 24 hours but still need your prayers. Please continue to pray.

Have a great weekend and I hope to have more great news to share this evening.

Love to all, Darla

Friday, June 6, 2008

Today, Tonight and Tomorrow

GOOD NEWS - Donny does not have a blood clot! The update this morning was posted before he had an ultrasound to confirm whether or not it was a blood clot. We are very happy! Unfortunately he does have an infection in the groin area where a line was inserted. The Radiologist performed a procedure to remove the line and relocate to the chest area. He has not been strong to relocate the line until now, so this is still good news. The infection in the hand is about the same and he continues to be treated with heavy antibiotics and time will tell if there is damage to the muscles of the hand. Another piece of good news is that he will not lose entire use of the right hand, only a portion. His heart rate continues to be strong without medication and healing, still too premature to know what damage there is to the heart, but he is growing stronger everyday and his blood pressure also remains stable without medication.
He is still in a induced coma and has assistance from the ventilator (50%) and our biggest concerns are the infection and neurological. We have not been able to begin easing him off the ventilator and bring him out of sedation because he becomes too agitated and his blood pressure drops when the attempts are made. We are hoping with the reduction of fluid retention that he can breathe better and we can slowly begin to ween him out of the sedation and lessen the use of the ventilator.

In short, he is healing from the trauma of the heart attack to the level the doctors expected, it is just hurdles we have to overcome and attempt to get him out of the sedation and off the ventilator. Please keep him in your prayers, we feel like today was a good day. Although not a lot of progression today, he is still considered stable. He remains in critical condition in ICU but hopefully soon he will be telling the doctors he wants to go home! I pray that day comes.

From our friends in LA, to our family, extended family and amazing friends, please know Jason, Jennifer and I love you all and still find it impossible to find the right words to express our appreciation. Please continue to pray. Love to all, Darla

Day 9

As we grow close to day 9, we are still counting our blessings. Donny's heart continues to grow strong, his heart rate is excellent and he is maintaining good blood pressure on his own without medication. His hand is a little better, so the doctors are hoping that the trauma will be less. In respect to the heart attack, he is recovering nicely and to the level the doctors expected. This is good news.

Donny had a rough night. He experienced two coughing spells so they have elevated his oxygen level to 60% but he is still breathing on his own. The doctors did an x-ray of the chest and the lungs are clear and no signs of pneumonia. He does have a blood clot in the left leg. We knew this may be a possibility when we removed him from the blood thinners a few days ago. He was taken off the blood thinners because of the internal bleeding. The internal bleeding is now stabilized. We are introducing the blood thinners and diuretic today to dissolve the blood clot and relieve some of the fluid build up. Donny's normal weight is 220-225 and he is at 290 today. The good news is that he is hopefully strong enough to withstand these obstacles. It is very much a balancing act to find the right combination to help him heal and there is no way to tell when issues arise, we just have to address them as they come.

The days are long, but time is going by fast. The support and encouragement by everyone helps us stay positive and optimistic. Please, please continue to pray. I know our prayers will eventually be answered. If ever I've begged the Good Lord, it's now. I know he is listening. I just have to remind myself this process is going to be slow and gradual, but the doctors and our family continue to be encouraged.

Thank you again for love, support and compassion. Love to all, Darla

Thursday, June 5, 2008

PM Update

Not much to report as of now. His hand is looking better and he was given a massaging air mattress today! Blood pressure is good, heart rate good and the internal bleeding is stabilized. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to start easing him off the ventilator and decreasing the sedation medicine. Please continue to pray we have a long journey ahead of us, but today was a good day and hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

My girlfriend is doing great and my sister's surgery was successful as well. Thank you for including them in your prayers.

I can't say it enough, but thank you all again for your thoughtfulness and continued support. Love to all, Darla


We have encouraging news this morning. Donny's condition is improving. His kidneys are better and his blood pressure is the best it has been and he if off all blood pressure medication. His heart is growing stronger and we will start today weening him off the ventilator and sedation. The internal bleeding is stabilized.

Few concerns, Donny's right hand is infected where the IV was, he has Cellulitis (I do not recall if that is exactly the correct name and or the proper spelling). He has a condition called "Compartment Syndrome". Fluid had built up and presses on the muscles of the hand. A Hand Surgeon came in last night and states that he needs surgery to relieve the pressure but he is not a candidate at this time. It is possible that he will lose the use of his hand, but the doctors are meeting this morning to discuss the possibility of performing any type procedure bedside with a local anesthetic to relief the pressure.

The sedation may be the cause of his lack of response. He is responding appropriately to pain, but still not responding to commands. It is too soon to speculate if there brain damage, but once we ease him out of the sedation we may see improvement. Your prayers are still needed. His condition is improving, he is still critical but stable. His doctors are encouraged and today "he looks good"! I am positive, confident and optimistic he will recover. Our focus these next few days will be easing him off the ventilator, bringing him out of sedation and neurological testing.

I can't say enough how very much Jason, Jennifer and I appreciate the kindness, compassion, words of encouragement, support and prayers. Please continue to pray and I will do my best to keep you all updated. Soon Donny and I will be able to thank each and everyone of you personally. Love to all, Darla

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

PM Update

Today ended on a semi-positive note. Donny has internal bleeding that is caused by his meds. They are removing the medications that has caused the bleeding and the body should repair itself. It will take 3-4 weeks for the area in the abdomen to heal (this is where he is bleeding. His liver, spleen and lungs look good. There has been damage to the kidneys, but again the body may heal on its own and it is too soon to know the extent of the damage.

Donny does have a blood clot in his arm and infection where the IV was. They have called in an Infectious Disease doctor and will better diagnosis the course of action tomorrow. The doctor just came in and there is good news and bad news. They have taken Donny off all meds minutes ago. Tomorrow we will attempt to slowly take him off the sedation medication and the ventilator depending on how he tolerates this.

The areas of concern are that he needs the blood thinner to dissolve the clot and prevent new ones, but the benefit outweighs the risk of removing his medications, so it is something they are monitoring closely. There is some concern with neurological function. Donny does respond to pain, but is not responding to any commands, so we are hoping that once we he is off the sedation his response will be better. Further testing will be done within the next 48 hours.

Overall he has made remarkable progress and he seems to gradually improve each day. His heart is growing stronger and beating on its own, but the areas of concern are fairly serious. The doctors are still attempting to "balance" his condition, it is still hour by hour, day by day, but we are staying positive that he will recover. I accept there are no guarantees or promises but know time is on our side.

Please continue to pray, Donny is not yet "out of the woods". I still believe he will he will go home a well man, he is a fighter and by reaching a one week goal, I know the power of prayer will continue to work.

My girlfriend, Tammy made it through a 7 hour triple bypass and the surgery went well. She is in ICU until tomorrow, but expect her to be in a room thereafter.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. Love to all, Darla

AM Update

We are moving in the right direction! This is the latest update today. Everything is about the same as yesterday, stable. Some meds have been decreased but he is still on a ventilator at 50%. There is internal bleeding and they are doing a Cat Scan shortly to determine where and why. He is stable enough to move so this is positive news that he can be moved for the Cat Scan. A scope may or may be done following the Cat Scan, depending on what the Cat Scan shows. The kidneys are about the same and he is still fully sedated. We hope to slowly ween him off sedation starting tomorrow.

Please continue with the prayers, I have 100% confidence that he will pull through this, we just have to be patient and let the doctors and God to their work, Donny is doing his part by his will to fight. Thank you all again for the love, prayers and support. Please pray for my friend Tammy who went in for a triple by pass today, she is in surgery now. She is only 49 years old.

Please know Jason, Jennifer and I are fine, we are surrounded by friends and family and this helps time pass and keeps our spirits high. Love to all, Darla

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3rd Update

Donny's condition is still stable and we are monitoring his areas of concern. Hopefully over the next week we will decrease his meds and sedation and he will able to respond. Please continue to pray and add Darla's best friend Tammy Owens to the prayer list, she will be having triple bypass in the morning.

Love to all,



Donny's condition is still the same as yesterday, so stable is good news. Meds have been slightly decreased, white blood cell count is better but we need continued prayers for the areas of concern, the kidneys and his gastrointestinal tract. Thank everyone for your love and support. Will update later today. Jason, Jennifer and I are well.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Just met with doctors, from the day Donny entered the hospital to today, "he has made a world of progress", the Cardiologist is "pleased with the gradual progression" and can say with confidence he can "see light at the end of the tunnel". I am overwhelmed with emotion but knew this day would come.

They have removed the heart pump which was a huge source of infection. They have also removed the numerous lines in his groin and have cleaned and entered only one line on each side of the groin, this will make Donny more comfortable and of course help rid any other source of infection.

The focus this week will be neurological to see if there is any brain damage. Dr. Ellis suspects if any, it would be minimal. Donny is responding appropriately to pain and other gestures for his condition, but testing this week will confirm.

The biggest concern at this time is the kidneys. His enzyme level is still rising which is not good, but he is still producing urine which is a big plus in his favor.

He is still on life support at 50% but when we get to 40%, the doctors will discuss removing the trach - forgive me I don't know how to spell it! He is still in an induced coma, but that's okay, gives him more time to rest.

Your prayers are still needed, please don't stop the prayer chain. Although the news is great, he is still very ill and very critical, so please, please, please if ever I begged for anything, it is for prayer and his recovery. You ALL have done a great job in supporting us and Donny shows his appreciation by his will to fight. Please know I can't possibly find the right words to even offer at this time, except thank you again and again and again. Love to all - Darla


Donny's doctors are taking out the heart pump at 7:30 this morning, his Cardiologist just walked by!!! His heart rate is good, his blood pressure good and we have him off one blood pressure medicine and his fever has dropped. I am very, very excited and confident today is going to be a good day and we will see progress. Please continue to pray. We have a long journey ahead of us but from the depth of my soul I know he will make it through this.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 5

We made it! Day 5 began at 4pm today. To have Donny with us is a miracle according to his doctors, no surprise to anyone that knows him. He is strong, motivated, determined and this is just a test of his will power.

Not much progress to report, he is stable and we are staying positive that stable is good. A few "glitches" we are addressing today, the kidneys are not functioning properly but he is producing urine which is in his favor. One side effect of the 3 blood pressure medicines that he is on is damage to the kidneys, so they are decreasing the medicine most detrimental to the kidneys. He should be weened off 1 blood pressure medicine by this evening. The doctor just stopped in and reports that "things are still the same".

Good news - Donny opened his eyes twice today but still frets when he hears our voice, so we are keeping the touch and "talking to" very limited. Little does he know he has a "good talking to" when he is well. He has always done things on a big scale, but this one takes the cake!

Until I can thank each and every one of you personally, please know we are sincerely grateful for your continued support. Love to all, Darla