Saturday, June 21, 2008

3 Small Words

As I write this last blog, I can't seem to find the right words to express my gratitude and appreciation. From phone calls, emails, hugs, food, flowers, words of encouragement and unending generosity; I am now simply at a loss for words. If I could I would reach out and give each and everyone of you a hug. I just don't know what to say at this point.

From the friends who sat with me hour after hour, cried with me and laughed with me, to my family that spent many a night on the floor of the ICU waiting room and at Donny's bedside, it brings me to tears how lucky and blessed we truly are. Obviously tears of joy because I know it is your prayers, love and support, Donny's will to fight and the grace of God that we have him home.

Donny is doing well, very weak and tires easily, but making every effort to "follow doctors orders" and is being a "good boy". He starts Cardiac Rehabilatation on Tuesday for 12 weeks and returns to the doctor in 2 weeks. He currently has 4 stints but we do not expect any future surgeries at this point. We are already enjoying our new diet and he has a route from the living to the kitchen! He is only allowed to walk right now. So on his behalf and mine, "thank you". These two small words seem so inadequate, but know they're from the bottom of our hearts. I must say, the 3 best words I've ever heard, were "I Love You" from my husband.

I'll never in this life time take even one small second for granted, life is very, very short. Take the time to say "I Love You" and cherish every moment you have to live with the one you love. I certainly will.

Love to all, Donny, Darla, Jason and Jennifer Farmer

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Take off the wristbands and gas up the car ... we're going home!

More later - we are literally packing up and headin' out!!

Love to all, Darla

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 21

As we approach week 3 today, we are still amazed far we've come. The doctor stated this morning, Donny will go home Friday or Saturday. He finishes his antibiotics today and will start Cardiac Therapy in about a week. Everything is healing and Donny continues to improve in every aspect.

If anyone is trying to reach me, my cell phone has been "locked" for 2 days, I do not have any service so please contact me on Donny's phone. My apology if I have not returned your call or voice mail, but I can't access my phone book to return any calls.

Thanks again for everyone's continued support, love and prayers.

Love to all, Darla

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another GREAT Day

Donny walked down the hall today and is waiting for his first shower! Funny how the little things we take for granted have become so important.

The doctors expect him to go home by the weekend if his strength continues to improve. Everyone is still in awe, including me.

I will keep everyone posted, but as of now Donny is just being monitored and weened off his medications. The Physical Therapist states Donny is "strong" but still has a lot of work to do and is limited to "walking" for a period of time.

I am learning about food, diet and exercise and excited to get him home and start our new life. I am confident the second time around will be just as good as the first round. I thank God everyday for giving us a second chance.

Best wishes and please keep Donny and our friend Bill in your prayers just a while longer. :)

Love to all, Darla

Monday, June 16, 2008


We are in our room!! Methodist Hospital - Sugar Land - Room 321

Having a great day and Donny is walking better each attempt he makes. He is just about "unplugged" from everything and is very happy about it!

Hope everyone's day is as happy as ours.

Love to all, Darla

Day 19

We are waiting to move to a private room today and out of ICU - YAHOO a day early!

The doctors and nurses, many who have not seen Donny in a week or longer, continue to stop by to see our "Miracle Man", they can't believe how well he is doing. Lots of joy and excitement today.

Donny walked to the restroom, fed himself and is complaining, so he's pretty much on the road to recovery. No funny or interesting stories yesterday, so the sedatives are just about to wear off.

We should start physical therapy today or tomorrow. I do not yet know how long we will remain in the hospital, but from Friday to today, he has made tremendous progress.

I'm still a little in shock, and have to pinch myself to realize all this really happen, but I never wavered that he would pull through. With all the prayers and support, my belief was reinforced.

Thank you all again for everything. I can't say it enough.

I am well and Jason and Jennifer and doing great.

Please keep our friend Bill and his family in your prayers along with Donny's speedy recovery. Won't be long until I get him home.

Love to all, Darla

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Donny continues to improve on his special day. His first question today was "where are the kids"?

He will probably be released from ICU and go to a private room on Tuesday. Donny's condition is stll improving and we now focus on regaining his strength. He is not yet able to stand on his own, but is making baby steps and is eager to "walk again".

Staff members, the sheriff's department and "strangers" are still coming by to see our Miracle Man II. Miracle Man I visited last night and we know soon, we'll exchange "war stories".

Donny has finally gotten over me not letting him go home last night to watch the fight but keeps asking "when is Jason going to be here?" by gosh he wants to see KJ's fight! By the way, he won and in about 30 seconds and still holds the Title!!

Donny doesn't remember anything, but fully comprehends what has happened and promises me he will do everything to get strong and stay healthy.

Our prayers were answered and I know with time he'll be back on top and ready to rock!!

To all the Dad's - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY - count your blessings, we're certainly counting ours.

Love to all, Darla

PS Bill we love you and are praying for you. Stay strong and be positive, God will watch over you.