Friday, May 30, 2008

Update on Donny

Good morning to our family and friends,

I want to first thank each and every one of you for your kindness, support, prayers and generosity, I know you all are praying for Donny. It is what is needed during this time.

He is still in critical condition in ICU and very ill, but he's a fighter and I've always said, "he is the most determined and motivated person I've ever known". I am very confident he will continue to show his strength and courage and our prayers will be answered.

For those who are not aware of the circumstances, Donny had a massive heart attack on Wednesday. He was experiencing chest pains at our office about 11:00am and assumed it was indigestion. He went home, took antacids and immediately felt better and returned to the office and worked until about 4pm. He was still "uncomfortable" but not in any pain and left for the day. He did not have any other symptoms. I arrived home to an empty house at about 5. There were a few things "out of place" when I walked in and Donny's phone and wallet were visible and his car was in the garage. I phoned my Dad, but was unable to reach him so I assumed he'd taken Donny to the hospital. I go immediately to the ER and am told he is not there. I return home and now reach my Dad, he had not spoken to Donny. I panic. I "think" someone has taken him as the chairs in my kitchen appear that "two people" have been sitting there, the plant on our kitchen table is knocked over and there is a bowl of soup half eaten on the counter. Both the front and back doors are locked. I phone 911 and continue to search for him. I look outdoors and my neighbor approaches and let me know EMS had phoned and they "think" they have Donny at the hospital. I am totally confused as I had just left the hospital. Donny did not have any identification on him and was admitted to the hospital as "John Doe".

Donny had walked across the street to Walgreens (we do not know why) and had the massive heart attack within minutes of entering the store. Olga, the front cashier notices Donny profusely sweating and holding his chest. She recognizes the symptoms as she had just lost her husband a few months prior to a heart attack. She immediately paged the store manager and phoned 911, they arrived within minutes (the hospital is across the street). Donny appears to be having a seizure, grasping for air and has turned blue. The employees and store manager place a pillow under his head and the store manager begins massaging his heart. After being shocked a total of 8 times, he is now at the hospital and they "are working on him.

I arrive to the hospital and ER now knows that "John Doe" is Donny. I cannot begin to explain how unbearable the next 5 hours are as we wait and the hospital is "working on him and doing everything they can". By the grace of God he survives. I write this, he continues to show his determination and courage. We know with the power of prayer, the support and love of family and friends, he will make it, no doubt. His heart is too big not to continue to beat strong.

He is in ICU at Methodist Hospital in Sugar Land and will obviously remain in ICU until his condition improves. His right main artery was 100% blocked and they did the "balloon" surgery and he has a stint in the right ventricle. The left chamber is strong and healthy. He is on a respirator at 80%, down from 100% and although his heart is not contracting "as much as they would like", we hope to see improvement within 3-4 days. With the stress his body has been through, these type issues are to be expected. He is heavily sedated but I know in my heart, he knows we're here.

I will do my best to post daily and keep everyone informed as I know each and every one of you are concerned. I cannot begin to express the gratitude Jason, Jennifer and I have for the overwhelming response from our family and friends, there just aren't enough words. Please continue to pray and know that the power of prayer will once again be answered. Dan Shultz is my inspiration to know that we will walk out of this hospital, and soon. My love to all -


coach realworld said...

Donny we love you and will continue to pray as hard as we can every minute of the day.

Darren, Bernie, Masen & Logan

The Montgomery 6 said...

Darla, Jennifer and Jason, you know your hubby and father - he is indeed a fighter. He has way too much living to do (smile). Be prayerful and stay strong. God is indeed the answer. Please know that you and the entire family are in our prayers. We love you and if you need anything, you know we'll be there.

Hope, Eric, Collin, Londyn, Lakin and Lauren

Anonymous said...

Darla and Family,
I heard of this news and couldn't believe it. I know that soon enough you will all get to go home together! Have my mom bring you some Lordes water, that stuff really does work. Keep the faith and we will keep those prayers coming.


ladybug said...

Donny, You are on my mind since I found out what happened to you. I know, that your response to any challenge has always been unfailing. So I’m pretty confident you’ll win again. Hang in there, and you’ll see. You’ll be back on top in no time.
Love Ya, Janka

LD Shultz said...

Hey guys, I finally got on. Thanks for setting up the blog to keep us all in the loop as Donny improves.

As for you Mr. Farmer, we want you to know that we are all pulling for you and we are there for you and your family. You have had your last babyback rib, sausage, queso, potato chip, doughnut,etc. You have just become a lifetime member of the health food club. And when I say we are there for you I also mean we will be watching to make sure you take care of yourself. One fried chicken leg over the line and be afraid, very afraid. Dan is and look how happy he is!

Love, Linda

joreaves said...

Darla and Donny (and family),

Your positive strength and courage is what WILL get your family through this scary crisis. Darla, I know how scared you must have been and still are. Just know all your friends and family are praying for all of you and I hope you feel that comfort around you like a warm blanket when you need it the most in the days to come. We certainly know what fighters you are in your family and this will be no exception. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you - please let us know if there is anything we can do. In the meantime, take care of each other and Donny - keep fighting like we know you can!
Jo, James, Matthew and Tyler Reaves

joreaves said...

Darla, Donny & Family,

Your positive strength and courage WILL get you through this crisis. All of your friends, family, and total strangers are all praying for you specifically Donny and also for you Darla and the rest of the family. Darla - I know how scared you must have been and still are. I hope you can feel those prayers all around you like a warm blanket at the times you need them the most. In the meantime, just know we are all thinking of you, praying for you, and will continue to do so. If there is anything else we can do, please do not hesitate to call.
Jo & James Reaves

kathy said...

My thoughts and prayers are going out to you both . This whole ordeal must be so scary for you . Darla ,if there is anything i can do for you , be it watering plants ,running errands ,or whatever , please don't hesitate in calling me , cell 281-798-5011 . Donny , I don't know you very well, but, from reading the comments, you must be one tough cookie about proving it !!

Kathy Boyhan

plj1953 said...

Donny, Darla, Jason and Jennifer,

What a difficult time for all you right now. Know that your family is in our prayers, especially Donny and his doctors. With God's help and your strength, you will get through this difficult time. Please, if there is anything I can do let me know. I will be in touch.

Hugs to all of you,
Steve and Peggy Jackson

kcjerseygirl said...

Donny and Darla,
You've been in my constant thoughts and prayers since Darla's phone call Wednesday night. You guys are a team! and I can't think of Donny without Darla or Darla without Donny. I rarely get down on my knees (I think Joanne Rivers taught me that!); but I got into the apartment and fell to my knees and asked God to hold Donny's heart in his hands and bless the surgeons working on Donny to be the instruments of God's miracle. I am certain that God heard me and is with Donny. I know how hard it is to see the men in our life helpless and in need. Men are not supposed to get sick!!! Darla, as each moment passes, Donny's body is getting stronger and he is getting better. I will continue to pray and send positive thoughts and words your direction. I love you guys and know that Donny will win this ultimate "ALL IN"! This is just a method of finding out what needs to be done so that you guys can live the long and happy life together you so deserve...

Gregg said...

If you need anything at all do not hesitate to ask. My love and prayers are with you and Donny. I consider Donny to be a great friend and hate to see him like this.

I’ll be praying for all of you.

prgirl said...

We just wanted you to know that we are praying for you to have a speedy recovery. We have to agree with Ms. Darla, you do have a great heart and it will continue to beat stronger each day. Just know that you are in our hearts and our prayers. Ms Darla hang in there he'll be home in no time.

Toney Marshall & Soldeliz Arroyo & Family...

Anonymous said...

Darla and family, you as always are in my prayers. Darla you have been a rock for me for a long time about my own medical conditions and what you did for own father when he was in icu my mother credits to his turn around. Donny sounds like a strong person and as always you will always be in my prayers. God Bless Love always Randal

wiretapscars said...

Jason & Jennifer,

Keeping you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Much Love,

David Branch

Anonymous said...

Farmer Family -

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. I know that Donny will have a safe and strong recovery because of the amazing family he has to support him through this.

Stefanie & Matthew Harrell

Theriot's said...

Donny, Darla, Jason and Jennifer,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We love you all. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. We know Donny will pull through this, he is a very determined man and this is what will make him win this battle.

Mark, Lynn, Curtis and Jamie

Jerry McLean said...

Donny, we have always been amazed at your positive attitude and love for family and friends. We can hardly believe that this could happen to you. From what we have heard, God has been with you and led you every step of the way. We have asked all we know for prayers for you. Bless you as you continue to make good progress and may He give you strength. Darla, Jason & Jennifer, stay strong. You are in our prayers. We love you!
Jerry and Carol

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know, the Magnolia UMC prayer team is stormin' the heavens in prayers for your entire family,especially for Donny's healing.Your are all on our hearts and in our prayers.
May God's peace and strength be with you all in the days ahead.
Pastor Patty and MUMC

Ken Wolff said...

Donny and family Darla, Jennifer and Jasen,
I just received notice of your life challenges today from Carol and Jerry. I am Carol's brother and live in Sacramento, California.
By the description of the Medical Emergency procedures described above you received the life saving intervention necessary for you to have another chance at life.
I want you to know that I have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers and wish you a speedy recovery.
Ken Wolff

mike said...

Donny Darla Jason Jennifer,
I just wanted to tell you guys that Donny is in our Prayers mine Mom& Dad and the whole church prayer team and if anybody can pull throught this it will be Donny. If there is anything we can do for yall just let me know okay and we care so much.
MIke Mom & Dad Owens