Saturday, May 31, 2008

Good morning all. This is Debbie, Darla's sister.
Again a huge thank you to everyone for all the support and prayers.
Donny had an uneventful night. The doctor told us this morning that they were able to reduce one of the three blood pressure medications and reduce the ventilator to 50%. This is a positive step forward. Donny is maintaining on his vital signs including a normal temperature. This is another step forward since he had a fever. He remains on 2 antibiotics for infection. His kidney function is being monitored closely. He i s getting more blood today. Not sure if there is bleed but it is a possibility because of the blood thinners he is on to keep the heart stent open. Paralytic meds have been stopped again although he is still heavily sedated. They have been feeding him through the vein. Today they will try nutrition to the stomach via tube.
We continue to keep a positive outlook for the future outcomes and pray along with all of you. By the grace of God he will lead the doctors and staff (who have been wonderful), and keep us strong.
Until the next update again we can not express how much it means to all of us knowing how many people are supporting us.


Gregg said...

Thanks so much for keeping the blog updated. I find myself checking the blog throughout the day and really, really appreciate all of you for letting us know whats going on.

Thanks and we will continue to pray for all of you.


mortgageguru said...

Thanks for the updates I will be up sometime tomorrow and if you guys need anything at all let me know!

I will continue to pray and thanks again for the updates.


kcjerseygirl said...

Thank you so much for the updates. I'm checking the blog often to see if there's been any change. I'm so thankful and happy to hear that Donny is hangin' in there and continuing to improve. Wish I was closer to keep you company, scrub the floors, cook for you or whatever else you might need... Talked to Dad this morning and he said to tell you they're thinking of you and to tell Donny everything will be alright. It's been 20 years this July since dad's first quadruple bypass and he's still drivin' to Alaska and catching the big halibut (or maybe they catch him???) and he's still going strong. No reason to believe it will be any different for Donny too. We love you and I'll continue to check in a couple of times each day.

DangerousPrey said...

all of you are in my prayers, especially donny. thank you darla and others for keeping this blog up-to-date. i haven't taken off my "all our prayers for donny" wristband yet because i believe it gives strength to the cause. hope to see all of you again soon after this passes and donny is back on his feet. until then...

^_^ keep your heads up!
