Saturday, May 31, 2008

As we begin Day 4

4:01pm today we start day 4. Donny's condition is very critical but stable and he is still in an induced coma to allow his heart to heal. His oxygen level is at 50% which is great news and his blood pressure and heart rate are good. His organs are all performing well but the heart is still not contracting how it needs to so he will stay in an induced coma so the pump and medicine can continue to help him heal. No attempt will be made at this time to take him off his meds, including the sedation. He still "frets" and his heart cannot handle the stress at this time. Not much progress today but we are happy with "stable" and the doctors seem encouraged. Time is on our side and with the continued prayers, we stay positive. Thanks again to everyone for your love, support, prayers and kindness. Please continue to pray. Darla


Anonymous said...

Darla and family our thoughts and prayers are with you. Ralph and Dolores Stanley

Gregg said...

I am praying for some good news today.