Saturday, May 31, 2008

As we begin Day 4

4:01pm today we start day 4. Donny's condition is very critical but stable and he is still in an induced coma to allow his heart to heal. His oxygen level is at 50% which is great news and his blood pressure and heart rate are good. His organs are all performing well but the heart is still not contracting how it needs to so he will stay in an induced coma so the pump and medicine can continue to help him heal. No attempt will be made at this time to take him off his meds, including the sedation. He still "frets" and his heart cannot handle the stress at this time. Not much progress today but we are happy with "stable" and the doctors seem encouraged. Time is on our side and with the continued prayers, we stay positive. Thanks again to everyone for your love, support, prayers and kindness. Please continue to pray. Darla
Good morning all. This is Debbie, Darla's sister.
Again a huge thank you to everyone for all the support and prayers.
Donny had an uneventful night. The doctor told us this morning that they were able to reduce one of the three blood pressure medications and reduce the ventilator to 50%. This is a positive step forward. Donny is maintaining on his vital signs including a normal temperature. This is another step forward since he had a fever. He remains on 2 antibiotics for infection. His kidney function is being monitored closely. He i s getting more blood today. Not sure if there is bleed but it is a possibility because of the blood thinners he is on to keep the heart stent open. Paralytic meds have been stopped again although he is still heavily sedated. They have been feeding him through the vein. Today they will try nutrition to the stomach via tube.
We continue to keep a positive outlook for the future outcomes and pray along with all of you. By the grace of God he will lead the doctors and staff (who have been wonderful), and keep us strong.
Until the next update again we can not express how much it means to all of us knowing how many people are supporting us.

Day 3

As I watch the clock and know that we have not surpassed 69 hours and counting, my confidence grows. Donny had an uneventful night and is trying to wake up on his own, but is still very agitated so they are keeping him sedated. I know this is best, he needs his rest so he can continue to fight. Please keep the prayer chain going. Love to all, Darla, Jason, Jennifer and family

Friday, May 30, 2008

48 Hour Update

As of 4:00pm today we reached 48 hours, a milestone according to our doctors. Each and every hour is a turning point and considered a step in the right direction. Donny's condition is stable. Although we didn't make great strides today we accept "stable" and consider this a blessing. We we're hoping to ween him off several of his meds today including the meds that have him fully sedated, but he is not yet strong enough to be taken off any medication. When attempting to take him out of sedation, he becomes quite agitated, so as of this past hour we are no longer allowed to talk or touch him, I am fine with this. His recovery is our main priority. Donny is a fighter and I am confident and positive he will recover. It is just going to be a long, slow process, but we have all the time in the world and although patience has never been one of my better virtues, the last 48 hours God has blessed me with calm, patience, strength and courage. Dr. Reinoso relayed that over his career, he has adopted the motto, "two steps forward and one step back and you are always ahead at the end of the day". I'll take one step any day. Please continue to pray and thank you all again for your kindness and support.

Update on Donny

Good morning to our family and friends,

I want to first thank each and every one of you for your kindness, support, prayers and generosity, I know you all are praying for Donny. It is what is needed during this time.

He is still in critical condition in ICU and very ill, but he's a fighter and I've always said, "he is the most determined and motivated person I've ever known". I am very confident he will continue to show his strength and courage and our prayers will be answered.

For those who are not aware of the circumstances, Donny had a massive heart attack on Wednesday. He was experiencing chest pains at our office about 11:00am and assumed it was indigestion. He went home, took antacids and immediately felt better and returned to the office and worked until about 4pm. He was still "uncomfortable" but not in any pain and left for the day. He did not have any other symptoms. I arrived home to an empty house at about 5. There were a few things "out of place" when I walked in and Donny's phone and wallet were visible and his car was in the garage. I phoned my Dad, but was unable to reach him so I assumed he'd taken Donny to the hospital. I go immediately to the ER and am told he is not there. I return home and now reach my Dad, he had not spoken to Donny. I panic. I "think" someone has taken him as the chairs in my kitchen appear that "two people" have been sitting there, the plant on our kitchen table is knocked over and there is a bowl of soup half eaten on the counter. Both the front and back doors are locked. I phone 911 and continue to search for him. I look outdoors and my neighbor approaches and let me know EMS had phoned and they "think" they have Donny at the hospital. I am totally confused as I had just left the hospital. Donny did not have any identification on him and was admitted to the hospital as "John Doe".

Donny had walked across the street to Walgreens (we do not know why) and had the massive heart attack within minutes of entering the store. Olga, the front cashier notices Donny profusely sweating and holding his chest. She recognizes the symptoms as she had just lost her husband a few months prior to a heart attack. She immediately paged the store manager and phoned 911, they arrived within minutes (the hospital is across the street). Donny appears to be having a seizure, grasping for air and has turned blue. The employees and store manager place a pillow under his head and the store manager begins massaging his heart. After being shocked a total of 8 times, he is now at the hospital and they "are working on him.

I arrive to the hospital and ER now knows that "John Doe" is Donny. I cannot begin to explain how unbearable the next 5 hours are as we wait and the hospital is "working on him and doing everything they can". By the grace of God he survives. I write this, he continues to show his determination and courage. We know with the power of prayer, the support and love of family and friends, he will make it, no doubt. His heart is too big not to continue to beat strong.

He is in ICU at Methodist Hospital in Sugar Land and will obviously remain in ICU until his condition improves. His right main artery was 100% blocked and they did the "balloon" surgery and he has a stint in the right ventricle. The left chamber is strong and healthy. He is on a respirator at 80%, down from 100% and although his heart is not contracting "as much as they would like", we hope to see improvement within 3-4 days. With the stress his body has been through, these type issues are to be expected. He is heavily sedated but I know in my heart, he knows we're here.

I will do my best to post daily and keep everyone informed as I know each and every one of you are concerned. I cannot begin to express the gratitude Jason, Jennifer and I have for the overwhelming response from our family and friends, there just aren't enough words. Please continue to pray and know that the power of prayer will once again be answered. Dan Shultz is my inspiration to know that we will walk out of this hospital, and soon. My love to all -